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Interviews with professional dancers, names to know: Lindon Barr (Episode 2)

Jenny Bater-Sinclair - Company Director

Updated: Oct 6, 2023

A new series began last month: Interviews with professional dancers, names to know! Hosted by Victoria (company director) and myself. These monthly interviews intend to inspire our members and any other young dancers, as well as share top tips and experiences from some of the industry's most talented!

You can watch the full interview with Lindon further down in this article


Filmed on Friday 11th December 2020 via Zoom, we interviewed professional dancer/choreographer Lindon Barr. We chatted about Lindon's entry into the dance world, discussed his experiences during his favourite performing jobs, delved into how he trained and still trains today, plus Lindon shares with us what his top tips are for young aspiring dancers.

We first met Lindon at the South East Hip Hop Championships that we at Hip Hop Pop hosted back in 2007, Lindon was a mere 15 years old, and entered his crew into the competition. We knew back then there was more to come from the talented teenager, and wow, has he got a career to boast! Yet there was no boasting from Lindon during the interview, Lindon was the perfect gentleman, humble yet passionate about dance and the industry, he was an absolute pleasure to get to know a little better.

Watch Lindon's full interview right here:

Please do feel free to share the video with friends and other dance enthusiasts.

Here are our favourite dance related interview questions and answers:

Question: What are your top 3 tips for young performers wanting a career in dance?

Lindon's Answer in brief:

  1. Be a nice person, have good morals, be yourself

  2. Train, train again.... keep training, and grow

  3. Research, go deeper, whether that be in the style it's self, the people who are in the line of work you want to get into, or what the entry points into paths you want to take are, research!

Question: Let's say you host a dinner party, Vic, you and I are there, you can invite 3 other guests who are they and why?

Lindon's Answer in brief:

  • His late ballet teacher who was a big influence on his life

  • The late Michael Jackson, who inspired him in dance also

  • The late Don Campbell, to find out his experience of locking

Question: What is one of your biggest takeaways from your time at BodyWork?

Lindon's Answer in brief:

Discipline and Professionalism. From a young age he knew what theatre etiquette was, he knew how to conduct himself. Lindon said, to be professional as well as skilled physically is already a step up.

Check out Lindon's Instagram post featuring him in

Big Thanks to Lindon

It was delightful and super insightful chatting with Lindon, we hope you enjoyed watching as much as we did interviewing him. Thank you to Lindon for finding time for our 2nd episode in our series of Interviews with Professional dancers: Names to know

There's plenty more of these to come, why not subscribe to our YouTube Channel and follow our Monthly Interview Playlist to be the first to know when a new interview goes live!

Please do feel free to share this article and/or the Youtube Interview with friends and other dance enthusiasts.

Jenny Bater-Sinclair

Director - HIP HOP POP


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